Master Class

Carolyn Mignini as Maria Callas
Carolyn Mignini as Maria Callas (photo by Bella Muccari)

by Terrence McNally

Legendary opera diva Maria Callas won renown both for her voice and for her dramatic stage presence. Terrence McNally’s play shows her late in life, teaching a master class for young singers. As she coaxes, prods and inspires students into giving the performances of their lives, she reveals her own history.

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Maria Callas: Carolyn Mignini*
Accompanist (Manny): Jonas Cohen*
Soprano 1 (Sophie): Stephanie Joiner*
Tenor (Tony): Brandon Snook*
Soprano 2 (Sharon): Samantha Guevrekian
Stagehand: Matt Casteel
*Member of AEA


Produced by: Connor Davis
Directed by Tom Rowan
Set design: Kathryn Lieber
Lighting design: Peter Gorneault
Costumes design: Tony Johnson
Props design: Sara Slagle
Sound design: Jacob Subotnick
Production Stage Manager: Katy Lynn Patterson